Dec 24 - Learn to Ride on an SV
Hi John,
Thought you might find this worthwhile http://www.cyclenews.com/ShowStory.asp?HeadlineID=4752
Maybe a link on the website? http://schwantzschool.com/
Roger from OZ
Thanks Roger
Dec 24 - Readers page
Hi John,
Would you consider putting my site in your links under riders sites? My site is
http://www.sv4me.com . I have the 2003 SV650 - SV650s manual posted there and
also a mini how to on a TRE mod. I have posted a link to the manual on your
board also.
Geoff Sanders
Visalia, CA USA
Dec 22 - "Don't try and
ride it"
Nice little SV video from
Martyn Daniels.
Dec 20 - Something Silly from
Stephen Spiteri
Thanks to Stephen Spiteri
for sending me this. Great fun...enjoy
Dec 20 - News from Sydney
Hi John,
Just dropping a line to let you know I have a new e-mail address (from) - Broadband
Yay...(It's coming here in Feb )
I know it is the otherside or downunderside but let Justin know of http://www.svdownunder.com
" as the Premier SV site of Oz.
A good ride South of Sydney is: Through the Nasho > up Macquarie Pass > Pies
> down Jambaroo Pass > Coast Road towards Nowra ( mindful of the Governments fixed photographic Taxationdevices ) then up Kangaroo Valley Pass.
I've posted this for any
Ozzies reading this page, I know there are a few of you. See October the
15th for an explanation about the pies!
Dec 20 - New links added.
Hi there,
I'm a director of a new company that specialises in providing bike clothing
for women. We have a shop site and we also have a community site for female
bikers. I was just checking out your site and I think that it may be of interest to the
members of our community so I was thinking of adding a link to your website on ours.
I was also wondering if you would consider adding a link to our site(s) onto
your website?
Many thanks,
- motorcycle clothing and accessories for women.
http://www.biker-babe.org - on-line community for women bikers.
I've replied to Dan
already. Considering a large proportion of SV riders are women it seemed
entirely sensible. I hope it's useful. John
Dec 15 - Rob Suchley returns!
I went to the hospital on Friday to get checked out and if all went well have the metalwork
taken from my arm. I arranged the ambulance in advance and all was going well and on the day I arrived at the Hospital an Hour and
half early.
I was a bit nervous waiting as I knew Dr Ali would have his Allen Keys and
Pliers out because that's how they remove externals fixators from human beings. They pull the pins out with pliers and the screws with Allen keys
and no anaesthetic or injections.
So I go to the reception desk and say "Hello, I have an appointment at 14:50"
She says "Fine, What department"
I say "I dunno, there gonna take this R6 steering damper thing from my arm"
She looks confused and says "what"
I say "this" Showing her the metalwork embedded in my arm
She says "I think you want Orthopaedics"
I say "Yes that's what they call it, awful-peadicks"
She says "Fine what Consultant"
I say " Dr Ali"
She says "Who"
I say "No Who is a popular cult science fiction Doctor from television, I want Ali the popular bone doctor from this hospital."
She says "who" again.
I say "Ali"
She pauses for a while and says "Nope, don't know him"
I say " I do, he, s very nice and I have an appointment to see him at 14:50
today." I then show her the appointment card.
She studies the card and says "Ali"
I say "Yes" I'm getting excited now as progress is being made.
She says "NO"
I say "Yes"
She says "He don't work here and never has and I know all the doctors here"
I say in a meekly and confused voice "Ali, Dr Ali Please"
She taps away at her computer and says. "Do you mean Dr Ali the Orthopaedic
surgeon from Oldchurch hospital"
I Say "YES YES YES, see, he is real and I'm not mad after all"
She says" Oh yes your very mad,,,, You Want Dr Ali from Oldchurch hospital
don't you"
I Say "Yes"
She says "Well this is Harold Wood hospital.
Yes it's true I was in the wrong hospital.
(So I still have the metalwork in my arm)
Rob, nice to see your sense
of humour wasn't hurt. This is a great story and something we've all done
at some point. Hope it goes better next time. John
Dec 10 - Hello from Renegade -
Jorge has some info
Hello John, here is our latest
Like with the Milles we are also working on the SV1000, see
Take care and Merry Xmas to all the Family.
Best regards,
0044 (0)1474 852 255
Dec 8 - Greetings from Sydney
G'day John
Love your site - keep up the great work. I thought I'd send in a photo of my "newish" SV650SK3. Newish because I only had it three days when it underwent a unexpected traumatic fenderectomy. Now
I know they look great without the tailpiece, but I just didn't expect to be
hit by the car I had seen stopped behind me whilst stationary at a set of lights! Needless to say, I was without bike for six weeks as the insurance
companies sorted things out. On the upside, I did get a nice Yoshimura RS-3
pipe out of it (seems the insurance company didn't want to fork out for the
OEM replacement) I also read that you have Metzler tyres as original fit over there - we have Dunlop D220s.(We
had Metz on the mark1 model, not sure about the '03. Perhaps someone can
enlighten me)
Justin Tomlinson
Sydney, NSW, Australia
P.S: The piece a month or so ago about Macquarie Pass - it is inland from
Wollongong, up an escarpment to Robertson / Bowral (where a certain Don Bradman lived). It is one of the many great rides available within a short
squirt from Sydney.(sounds
good, I'll pop around on Sunday for a rideout to that pie place) 
Dec 8 - Some pics of my toy
Hi there John
My name is Steve and I am from Beckenham in Kent. I have been visiting your
site for almost a year now, you are doing a very good job, keep it up. Its
always really interesting logging on and reading all the news and views from
other SV owners around the country. I'm a member of the forum and have met
loads of top blokes and ladies on a number of really fun summer ride outs.
I thought I would send you a couple of pics of my toy just before I lock it
away for the winter. I was planning on riding all year round but I'm afraid
the elements have put me off and I just can't see the fun in it this time of
I have only really made cosmetic changes to the bike this year but come next
summer I might have a play with the performance. Merry Xmas.
Fitted new under tray (www.SVMANIA.co.uk),
Double bubble tinted screen, Art titanium oval end can, mini indicators, removed the
grab rail, fitted new seat cowl and crash bungs
Steven Mills
Very nice it looks too.
Dec 8 - Praise and
Just got back from Bristol where James and his team at JHS Racing transformed my
bike in a matter of hours! I was considering trading up to an SV1000S when a
mate pointed out the write-up on SVs in Performance Bike from a while back. I
considered my options and decided that, having read all the reports on the
SV1000, I wanted to keep the 650. As JHS offered a tuning service, I thought I'd
give them a ring.
From the outset, they were very professional and informative
and even arranged for me to have my bike tuned on a Saturday! Drive in/drive out
service. Well, Several hours of tedious M6/M5 riding in both directions and I
have (apparently) the most powerful SV650S (pre 03) in the UK. Now there's a
challenge! Why not take your bike to visit James and see what he can do for you.
His dyno showed my bike producing 66 bhp at the rear wheel before starting and a
very impressive 80.1 afterwards (the torque showed a hike of 12 lb/ftsq at 3k
rpm!!) The mods are a full M4 exhaust system (with Titanium can!!!!), a BMC
free flow air filter, full carburettor jet kit and JHS Stage 2 cams (James has
developed a new profile now). It definitely has transformed my bike and I look
forward to the better weather. PS- James had just tested a SV700S he had built
at 94bhp!!! That must be awesome! Big Thanx to James and all at JHS for the
sterling work - I'd definitely recommend this service!
By the way John, I had posted this on your message board but received a slating suggesting that I was an employee of JHS. Shame, as I thought the info
would've been well received. You can't please everyone all the time I suppose.
However, this has put me right off using your Forum. Otherwise, great site!
Keep up the good work.
Al B
Yep it's shame that you got
flamed on the forum. I guess your enthusiasm for James's work came across
as disguised advert. I've heard from James himself and he confirmed that
you're just a satisfied customer. He's not to pleased at the bashing he's
getting either.
There have been a few
thinly disguised adverts posting as threads on the forum, it's hard to
stop and no one likes spam. Some people do write to me first and ask if
they can place an 'plug' on the site. This is the right way to go about
things, and if I agree I always say "make sure you mention that you
have permission, cos you'll get flamed if you don't".
be put off using the forum, it's a great resource and no one should feel
excluded unless they break the three basic rules on the forum access
Dec8 - New Link
Hi John
I'm a member of the sv650.org (jwadham) and recommended a tyre company in
Reading a while ago. I wanted to let you know about a company I have been dealing with recently that really seem to go out of their way to please. I
bought a reduced Frank Thomas Aqua pack from them via Ebay a few months ago and
was happy with the sale. I have recently bought anti mist visor insert also
supplied directly, and they have quoted from brake pads and air filter for my
I know you must get loads of requests like these and only add them if you feel
Anyway here they are: Patrick at www.bikerpart.com
keep up the good work, I've been to a few bike websites and still prefer the
sv650.org, I feel the way it's presented and the members add so much to it, so
cheers for your hard work.
(No problem, nice to know it has a 'feel' to it, nothing intentional on my
part so it all a happy accident)
Jonathan Wadham
Dec 8 - Car Park Co-Conspirator
Hi there john,
I've seen you've got some pic's from Russell of his SV (below). I was out with him that
day, and had the pleasure of taking his bike to the car park for him to ride.
Though we did get a lot of pic's of Russell on his bike, there were also some of
me on his bike and also some of my SV650S taken, though it's not quite up to the
clean standards of his! But the Abba stand that I got at the NEC should help me
in my task! Things like a new swingarm, shiny unpitted forks, and some polished
wheels.... so I may be out of action for a time with the SV, but my fiancee Jax
will let me use her Ducati (thanks!) so I won't be completely off the road just
out of the rain :-)
Dec 8 - I forgot to mention in
my previous update that I've put a new movie in the goodies section.
Thanks to Steve Spiteri for sending it. It's a cracker
Dec 1 - Lost in France
Hello there have just bought an sv1000s as the R1 was stolen in the south of
france in august, I like your site more power to your elbow! Would you please be good enough to put a link on your site to my B+B site
in the south of france I really only cater for bikers and am very well positioned for people going to spain or for those who want to ride the best
roads in the world
If you want more info please don't hesitate to contact me http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nigelporter/
Nigel Porter
Jelster! are you
Dec 1 - Opinions sought
Hi John,
Thanks for the info on the under tray. I bought it from MPS and with a lot
of hard work and re-adjusting I managed to get it to fit. As I said before
here are a few photos with it fitted. I think it look ok apart from the nice
scratch on the exhaust caused by a wet corner, but in not the first and wont
be the last to lose there pride and joy to the forces of mother nature. It
would be good to have any comments that people may have regarding the look
of my bike passed on.
Chris Hill Email
You asked for it
Dec 1 - Dodging the Viper
thought you might like these photos of sv650 for your web page cheers john
the painter @ren&ink
Tell us more, don't be shy!
This bike looks familiar to me. I'm sure I've seen it before without the
Dec 1 - The Stig has been
hi its russ here. just sending sum pic. i think every1 will like them.
its me on me bike in a private carpark! lost me licence see! oops! well hope u like them.
Russell Winters.
We know who you really are!
and Clarkson said you had died. Nice bike by the way, some nice touches
Dec 1
What can I talk about this
month? Not a lot I'm afraid. I suppose the highlight of November was the
annual trek to the NEC for the bike show. It's the first year I've not had
a shopping list, which was good, it gave me a chance to concentrate on one
of my other passions, photography. And there was plenty to shot at the
show. Fortunately the DL650 didn't break my camera
My SV hasn't seen a lot of
action in the past few weeks. I gave it good clean up a few weekends ago,
and since then it's either been wet or frosty/icy. I don't mind
riding in the wet, but the mix of rain and salted roads will soon undo all
my hard work.
It's also about this time
of year that I start to think about the winter repair and service ritual.
I don't know if I got a bad batch of fuel recently or whether some water
has found it's way into the fuel system, but the engine sounds a little
lumpy and feels a little down on power. I guess a strip down of the carbs
is on the cards. I now have a set of vacuum gauges so I'll be able to
check the syncronisation too. I also have a set of Ohlins fork springs for
the front end to be installed. I bought my first Scotoiler when I got my
SV 4 years ago. It was an experiment to see if Scotoilers claims were to
be believed. 19k miles later the chain has hardly moved, very impressive.
The bad news is that the chain has a notchy sound to it when running. A
closer look at the sprockets, especially on the gear box reveals some
'hooking' to the teeth. So it looks like a new chain and sprocket set is
on the shopping list. As for the Scotoiler, I'd still recommend it. I've
never got 20k miles out of chain before. I've never given the chain so
little thought before either, it also most like having a shaft drive, just
keep the oiler topped up and do very little else.
Take care on the roads
during this month, especially as we get nearer to Christmas. It's not just
the black ice you have to look out for but also the office drunks, either
on foot or behind the wheel. Keep the shiny side up .
Webring Nächste