Oct 26 - The Caterpillar O
ring Mystery explained! (see Oct 21)
Hi John, Re the posting below. The Caterpillar O ring is fitted to the middle off the RHS bar
end weight and when you want a cruise control you roll it over so that it pushes against the
end of the throttle grip. This stops it shutting and acts like a cruise control. It is easy to override, and you just roll it away from the grip when no
longer needed.
Tony P (tonyp2020)
Sounds like a neat
solution. Thanks Tony.
Oct 25 - It's been a while
since I dropped by ..
I was shocked and saddened to just now learn of the death of Kevin Jones. I haven't been to the site in a very long time, and decided to log in and see how
things were progressing. I discovered the site in very early 1999, and have
posts dating back to March of '99. I was a frequent visitor to the site, because I had found other people with the same great taste in bikes, and had a
place to discuss it. I fell in love with the bike, and bought one on March 13 of
that year. I bet that I literally had the first one in my state (Pennsylvania),
because I bothered the local dealers for weeks until they finally got one in. A
blue one was located, and was soon mine. I went for 4 years and 14,200 miles
with not a single incident or problem with the bike. Then, this past March,
someone made a left turn in front of me, and I wound up totaling my SV. I
suffered a broken wrist, separated shoulder, road rash, and a twisted ankle.
Although I didn't feel it at the time, I know I'm lucky to be here. 1/2 second
sooner, and I would have hit the mini-van, not just my bike. Somehow, I had
slid past it and had just bounced down the highway. The worst part for me was,
I had just spent 2 weeks tearing the bike apart and polishing it to perfection.
It was still wintery, so it gave me something fun to do until spring, when I
could finally get back out on the road with it. I had it looking showroom new
I want another bike, and will buy another eventually, but having just bought a house, the money isn't there for the luxuries. It will definitely be another
SV650, or possibly an SV1000. I just loved the looks and character of the
bikes. Here are the only pics of my bike I have at work, unfortunately they're
"After" pics. My condolences about Kevin
Ride safe,
Mark Hildenbrand
Oct 25 - More work on the
SV650.org website
John, In the next couple weeks Ken is going to be changing internet service. He's
getting a T1 in his house instead of using his old business partners house. :) Anyways, that will
mean a slight interruption in service for the users. I figured you will want to post anannouncement.
Steven Nance, Server
A T1 in your own home,
serious bandwidth and good news for us. Thanks to Steven, as ever.
Oct 25 - More offers for
SV650.org readers
Hi, I don't know if it is of interest but i make various goodies for sv650 and
1000 including stainless steel radiator covers that by the response from some of
your members are very well received. if you are interested in offering your
readers special offers on these parts please let me know. they usually retail
for 39.99 but i can let your members have them for 29.99 each. You can reach me
normally at trackandrace@hotmail.com
best regards Neil
PS. I have enclosed a couple of photos that may
be of interest to you. i can also offer your readers 25% discount off any ART products i.e. exhausts, huggers, tank shields, fenders etc.if any one
wishes to contact me regarding these or any other matters please do so by e-mailing me at
best regards Neil
Oct 21 - New link request
Could you add a link to our website www.superbikestore.com
- we have parts in stock for the SV, both the old model and new 2003 version. We have undertails
and rear huggers, also bellypans. Thanks
Our business email is sales@superbikestore.com
Oct 21 - Caterpillar tracks
Hi John. I am from the prairies of Saskatchewan Canada. A couple of years
ago I remember a chap submitted a bright idea for an inexpensive cruise/throttle for the bike. The gadget was an
"O" ring from the Caterpillar Heavy Equipment manufacturer.
Anyway the ring was yellow and he gave a stock number. Does this ring a bell?
None whatsoever, but I'll
have dig through the archives. If anyone else can help drop Tony
a line.
Oct 25 - An update from
John with a great stroke of luck I found the item . It is the following:
CAT 4M - 4991. It costs about $6.00 CDN so 2 pounds sterling if I do a quick calculation.
So get the word out and surprise a Caterpiller dealer when a rider comes walking in for an "0 - Ring" for the little beauti SV
Cheers T
I'm still not sure
how this work, I'll ask!
Oct 21 - New product for SV650.org members
Good morning sir!
I am selling some Carbon Fiber fork guards, radiator guards and headlight brackets for the 2003 SV650(S)'s. Headlight brackets of course, are only
for the non-S version. The parts might fit earlier models, but I have yet
to get measurements from anyone with an earlier bike.
I would like it if you can post this information, and pictures in the news.
The fork guards will cost 30$USD
The radiator guards will cost 35$USD
The headlight brackets will cost 50$USD
For the SV650.org members, I will waive shipping to both the States and Europe. (You must mention you are a member!)
Right now, the only way I THINK I can accept money from the UK/Europe is
PayPal through dmr220@localnet.com.
Anyone can leave me a PM (Riff42)
(on the forum), or email me for more information.
Thanks. Dave Roseman http://www.utopia650.com/
Oct 19 - Kevin Jones Inquest
I mentioned previous that
the Inquest in Kev's death was due to be held at the end of September.
Nothing new came out of the inquest that hasn't already been mentioned
here but I thought some of you might like to see a clipping from a local
Oswestry paper. John

Oct 16 - Even more discounts
Almost finished with the Exhaust review. Have spoken with most of the manufacturers and am now awaiting comments. Those that have replied have
been most helpful.
Will send you the complete article when it is all finished but for now I was hoping you could add a few bits to the site that may help everyone
Both Quill (JBRacing) and Wolf Racing have offered readers 10% on all exhaust products. I have suggested that both companies could be added to
the Offers section? Would this be okay? If so I have the Wolf Logo and am awaiting the Quill one. Will send all the details if you okay the
Will keep you posted but the complete review is almost ready.
Thanks Phil
Thank you Phil. I
have updated Services and Offers section with the discount info. Since
Phil wrote this email JB Racing have also offered a 5% discount on Leo
Vinci exhausts.
Oct 15 - FSD
Hi John,
I know your website for quite a long time maybe you know ours as well :
We propose many parts for the SV 650 and I thought it would be of some interrest to have our name on you
Services & Offers page as well as your Links page.
Let me know if it is possible. Have a great day, Franck Devon
I've added a link in
S&O and the links page.
Oct 15 - Redliners MCC
Hi john,
It's been a while since I've looked at your site and am saddened by the news
about Kevin, there's not many of us that leave a mark on the biking world but
Kevin certainly has done that with SV650.org.
The reason i'm sending you this e-mail is that I've put a link to sv650.org on
my club web site and wondered if you could do the same for me. Redliners Mcc is
a club for anyone that rides on two wheels with an engine or simply has a love
for motorcycles. Go to www.redlinersmcc.com
and let me know what you think. The reason i' haven't looked in for a while is i now ride a gsxr6 but i still
recomend sv650.org to anyone with a SV.
Ride safe
Added to the links sections
under riders sites
Oct 15 - Numb Hands
Great site, this may be of help to those suffering from bar vibes on the throttle clip-on of the K3 SV650S.
My new 2003 SV650S I have suffered terribly from bar vibes on the throttle
hand, to the point where my hand would fall asleep after a half hour or so
at constant'ish speed and gripping the grip became impossible.
The problem was solved inadvertently when I fitted heated grips (Motrax
Griptronic) an easy job, except for grinding back the flanges on the throttle sleeve. The 'how to' on your site was a great use.
The new grips other than being heated are still rubber, feedback is not affected as they only a little thicker than the standard grips, but no more
bar vibes!
The bike wonderful in all other aspects is now a much more comfortable ride.
The problem may be solved as simply as new grips, at least on my bike.
Kieran Hewett
Oct 15 - Pie and a Pint
Hi again John,
Just a couple of pics, one a new addition to the SV just to make it sound a
little more entertaining, and another the Famous Landmark of the Robertson pie
shop on top of Macquarie Pass with the SV travelling in the mixed company of a
Monster 750 and VFR. John Strecker
Never heard of Macqaurie
Pass, whereabouts in Wigan* is that? ;-)

* Pie capital of the world
Oct 15 - Inspector Gadget
John, the lighting mods I spoke of.
Image key
1. 32 character scrolling LED programmable banner (yes you can make it say
2. control module for neon wire (orange around headlights) & switch for
white strobes in headlights
3. left-hand interior LED indicator repeater
4. Right-hand through fairing Led indicator
Mark Horridge (Rictus)
Mark, hasn't included a
photo of the 5,000 kilowatt generator that is needed to power all this.
It's too big to go on the bike to it has to be sited in a trailer ;-)
Oct 11 - Follow up to Oct 6
article "SV1000s, an owners
Hi John. The company name was in fact s2 moto of stock road
Southend on Sea also s2 moto can re-map the standard ECU of any Suzuki EFI no need for a
power commander. The sv1000 has also had its suspension sorted and rides much better.
The suspension too soft as standard if any body wants to email me I will send
them the suspension settings. The original settings came form the test MCN bike he has done 2
track days and finally came up with these settings spot on
Contact David on david.anglianpreservation@tinyworld.co.uk
Oct 11 - Amsoil calling.
Hi John
I did not realize that the site had undergone a change in ownership and I love how the new format looks. I would apreciate it if you could put my logo
or at least a link to my new website at http://www.clarkson.edu/~kapitamj/
From what I have seen you have a great deal of US readership off your site
and I used to get a great deal of hits directed off your site to people from US based servers. If you would just title my link something to the effect Amsoil Synthetic Motor Oil, it would be great. Oh, also I can have
oil shipped to the UK, its not a problem, and shipping really isn't that bad
their is just a bit of lead time that is necessary.
Mark Kapitan
Mark wrote to me asking
what had happened to his link and logo in the Services and Offers section.
I had removed it during one of my spring cleans, I thought it would be of
little interest to a UK based readership. It seems clear that Mark was
getting a lot of hits for US readers, so I'm happy to put it back. I must
have more US readers than I realised, which is nice. John
Oct 11 -
Hello , one picture of my sv650!! http://nitrorony.site.voila.fr/
Carles Fox
Nice Seat!
Oct 8 - Another Saving for
SV650.org readers.
I note that you have a link on your site to our factory in France
www.ermax.fr I would like to advise you that Ermax UK are the UK
distributors for the Ermax Range in the UK and have a UK based web site www.ermaxuk.co.uk
This site contains many parts old and new for your members to view / purchase.
It is also possible for us to allow a discount for your members.
Being the Uk distributor means we often have a wider choice than many of our
outlets, for example SV 03 undertrays with or without indicators built in .
I have included our logo if required and should you wish to organise a discount,
i can be contacted on neil@ermaxuk.co.uk
or 01522 697007
Neil Robertson
Ermax UK
I have since organised a
10% discount for readers of SV650.org. See the services and offers section
and click on the ermax uk logo. Thanks to Neil for offering this. John
Oct 7 - New Wallpapers added
to goodies section
Oct 6 - Some feedback on the
mk2 SV from Dave Loubser
Greetings once again from sunny South Africa,
I read your comments about the new SV not selling as well as the old one, and I
think I know why.......
Having ridden both bikes back to back (mine a 2002 SV650s) I made the following
On the new SV650s, The seat is higher and not as comfortable, (I hear that the pillion seat is also
pretty hard). The riding position is a little more radical in that there is now a pronounced
lean towards the bars, The pegs are higher and further back adding to uncomfortable riding position,
The fairing leaves the radiator all exposed, The front brake hoses too are not as neatly arranged as the 2002 model,
The chain adjusters are cheap looking bits, with threaded bar and a lock nut
sticking out the back of the swing arm, The new oil cooler is useful (especially in Durban SA where our summer
temperatures can get to 35 plus with about 95% humidity) but is stuck right in
the path of rocks etc thrown up by the front wheel,
The colours on offer do not excite me, The windshield on the fairing does seem to do a better job of lifting the wind
away from the rider, I do like the instruments, especially the water temperature in our climate,
The motor does seem to be a little more responsive with the fuel injection, but
my experience is that when switching from carbs to EFI your lose on the fuel
consumption, I still get 20 Km's to a litre no matter how hard I ride and my
bike now has 7500 Km on the clock, The rear brake hydraulic fluid reservoir is at least in a better place (I'm
thinking of relocating mine.......) The can on the pipe looks like a cheap version of the original, and is also
longer ?
All in all I am glad that I did not wait for the new version, I bought the
second to last 2002 model in SA before the import of the new model started.
My bike just gets better and better to ride each day.
Thanks for an excellent website, as I have mentioned to you before this website
was one of the prime motivating factors for me to buy my SV last year.
For what ever reason the SV 650s did not sell well in SA.........South African
riders seem to want 750cc plus machines so it is possible that the SV1000s will
sell a little better.
Dave Loubser.
Tend to agree with most of
Dave's comments. The radiator is far to wide and prominent, and even more
so on the naked version
Oct 6- SV1000s, an owners
Hi had my sv1000s for 2 months now, very happy with it, coming from a sv650
which was bored out to a 700 just got my 1000 back from S2 Moto
tuning at Southend on Sea had stainless race cans from carbon company k & n filter the
fuel injection remapped and suspension sorted. 110 bhp at the back wheel sounds
great well recommended.
Oct 6 - GSX-R forks and speedo
drive info from Chris Baker
Hi John, Hope this finds you well (I lost
some more brain cells, but apart from that fine thanks). I've been getting quite a few e-mails lately about how I'm driving my
stock speedo after the swap to the GSX-R front end. Well, truth be told, I'm not!
However, I have built a prototype that has passed a bench test. I've just
been a bit lazy and have not yet fitted it. Here's what's what.
First, I am not a fan of the bicycle speedo. Yes, I'm sure it's plenty effective and very simple but I'm after something a bit more 'factory
look' than that. I actually started down the bicycle speedo path but decided I wanted to retain my stock dash and instruments/clocks. So here's
what I have done...
The stock 'sending unit' is an 8-pole magnet and pick up sensor that lives
inside that black plastic sending unit housing on the left side of the front wheel. (The thing with the wire coming out of it) One revolution of
the wheel sends 8 magnets past a pickup in the sending unit. So, if you swap to a GSX-R front end, you lose the ability to use that sending unit,
for a couple of reasons
1. The GSX-R uses a sensor on the counter shaft to drive the speedo and the front wheel hub is 'too wide', meaning that there's just no room for
the unit, and
2. The GSX-R axle has a much larger diameter so you couldn't use the SV
sending unit anyway. (And yes, I considered a number of options that included reaming out the SV unit in the hopes it could somehow fit over
the axle and that I could magically create something that would work...save your time.)
The picture shows what I ended up with: a stepped aluminum disk 'sending unit' that bolts to the GSX-R wheel (on the outside of the brake rotor and
can go on either side, for what that's worth...) and triggers a modified SV sending unit. It's stepped to provide the necessary clearances.
As you can see from the picture, it uses 8 sets of evenly spaced magnets. The magnets are fitted into recesses in the aluminum disk. The 'pickup' in
the picture is what's left after the stock SV sending unit is cut down to only the part that carries the actual magnetic pick up. This will be
mounted to a small bracket and fitted to pick up the 'pulses' of the disk magnets. The only other interesting information in the picture is that I
have dainty ankles.
As I said, it passed the bench test (used a drill motor to spin it past the pick up...) but I just need to fit it.
Down side? It's not nearly as weather-proof as the stock unit, but until it stops working, I'm not going to worry about it.
Hope that helps and I'll let you all know once it's fitted and road tested. Ride Safely,
Chris Baker
Oct 6 - Police Camera Action
As I mentioned before I was proposing to fit a camera and screen to the
Well all up and running. not as easy as I first thought as the camera is 12V
and the bike kicks out up to 14.4V, which blows the camera. I got around this problem by fitting a stabilized 12V
supply (one of the cigarette lighter fitted ones 6v/9v or 12v, and a bit of soldering) .
The camera is both night & day with IR LED's, and weather proof. the monitor
is a 4" LCD affair which isn't weather proof but under the D/Bubble screen
and can be removed by one bolt.
I've attached a few pics.( not great res but it gives you the idea).
Cheers Mark.
It'll be nice to see one of
them telly police chases from the perpetrators point of view ;-)
Oct 1 - Ego adapted by Stephen
Oct 1 - Good service
Your web site has been very useful for several items for my SV 650 and you
stated that if anyone had exceptional service from somewhere or something that they should tell you.
I live in Bristol, and needed my W reg. SV serviced, I was annoyed by the fact that Fowlers wanted over £200 (plus VAT) to get it services. I asked
around and found from a mate who had other bikes as well as an SV that there
was a place to take your SV in Bristol that ONLY services these little dream
these people are James Holland Services Unit 32&33 Red Lion Works Greenleaze
Bristol BS4 2TJ Tel 0117 9712966. (just ask for James)
this company not only carried out a first class 11k service on my SV but replaced the rear brake pads (after sorting out the frozen calliper) renewed
the front brake fluid and replaced the Squared off rear MEZ with an very good (in my opinion) Avon.
This garage is not much to look at from the out side (like Fowlers) but when
you talk to these guys you will find that they have not only the expertise
but the passion to sort out ANY thing that you can dream of.
These items are on My shopping list.
Crash bungs, fitted (inc. shaping the lowers). new hoses, undertray, new front fork springs (although JHS said they could put a GSX front forks
My wish list; rebore to 750cc, new rear shock, full race faring
The list just keeps on going.
The best part of the whole experience was to talk to people who know what they are talking about, they just will do anything you need and they will
look after your pride and joy as they do it.
And they will not cost the earth. my service etc Inc new back tyre was only
£289.68 Inc VAT they also have a Webb site which is worth a look.
Very satisfied customer Mike.
Nice to hear of good
service. Most people here must of heard of James Holland Racing, but if
you haven't there's a link in the services and offers section.
Oct 1
October. The time of year
when you finally accept that summer is over. I've already put my removable
lining back into my day to day jacket. Last weekend I gave the bike a good
clean and coated it in this new protective liquid from the scottoiler
people, all in preparation for the worsening weather. I don't suppose I
can complain, we've had a pretty dry summer this year with lot's of
A couple of threads on the
forum have caught my eye. It does seem that the new SV is not selling as
well as predicted. The looks have always been a bone of contention, but is
this the only cause? Maybe not. Apart from the cosmetic makeover the new
SV doesn't offer much more than the old model, Suzuki missed the chance to
build on the SV's strengths. There are a couple of extra features that are
an improvement over the old bike such a temp gauge and a clock, but that's
about all. There was a chance to improve the handling, suspension and a
few more options such as model with a more upright riding position and
fairing, not unlike a bandit S (a direct competitor to the Fazer).
Personally I'd like to see some improved comfort, the bars are still too
low for me on the S, the seat too hard and narrow. I notice that the
forthcoming CBF600 will include adjustable seat height, bars and ABS. The
Fazer too will provide stiff competition. I'm not sure my next bike will
be an SV. Maybe it'll be the Fazer..... but it's hard to give up a V twin
once you've been bitten.
Webring Nächste